Jobseekers Audio 5.25.12

This is the talk I gave at Jobseekers PTC today. Dave O'Farrell and the Ships Crew do a fantastic job helping folks. Check them out at

The First Fifty: Grateful and Expectant

Fifty.  After that many years you'd like to think you have your own philosophy on life, but those two words better describe my life than any other two.  So I have to give credit to Earl Nightingale for them.  Essentially everything I am or will be can be attributed to the impact of others.  I just pray I'm wise enough to choose to hang on to the good things and drop the not-so-good.


I am grateful to live on a planet filled with wonder and beauty.  I am awestruck by God's creation and magnificence.  There are not words to convey how grateful I am for this place we call Earth and the privilege of living.  Thank you Lord.


I am grateful to be living in what is arguably the most interesting time mankind has experienced.  The truly amazing things we have and will have in the remainder of my life thanks to those incredible people who take risks and have a vision enrich my life every day.  Can you imagine what tomorrow will bring?  Very exciting stuff.


I am grateful to live in the greatest nation ever conceived by man and blessed by God.  Freedom isn't free and I take it for granted every day.  Thank you to the men and women who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so that I may, at my choosing, risk everything to start a new endeavor or just sit my lazy butt down and do nothing.  We are given the gift of choice in this most favored land.  Thanks to you for providing me that gift.


I am grateful that I have been blessed with amazing people who have come (and some have stayed) into my life.  With far too many to mention please know how much you mean to me.   I only hope that I have enriched your lives as you have mine.


I am grateful that I was born into an extended family of loving people who never let me wonder if I was loved.  I have always known I am loved and it means everything to me.  I love all of you.


I am grateful that I found the love of my life at a young age and actually lost her for a time.  This experience gave me perspective to understand just how damn lucky I am to have her.  Again, I know I am loved.  Thank you Tammy.  You too are loved.


I am grateful to have two unbelievable children (now young men) who continue to amaze and astound me.  If I could have chosen the perfect children it would have been the two of you.  Grant and Carson, you have made me a great father.  I love you.  Thanks.


I am grateful to have known success and failure and to have always had interesting and challenging work.  Success is a gift.  Work is a gift.  So are challenges and difficulty.  I've never had a shortage of any of these and I am grateful.


I am thankful that I have been able to forgive and that others have forgiven me.  I am eternally grateful that Jesus died for my sins.  I really needed (and continue to need) His grace.  Undeserving.  So undeserving but endeavoring to improve.  Thank you Lord.


I am grateful that people who mean so much to me in life won't feel left out if they aren't mentioned individually here.  I have done my best to demonstrate that you mean a lot to me, not just to declare it.  Never think that you aren't important because if you are in my life you are vitally important to me.  You are all loved.



I expect the best in life and have usually found it.  I also expect that challenges will come and I have found them as well.  I am endeavoring to expect more of the best and less of the challenges.


I expect that the first fifty have been preparation for the next fifty.  I expect that any joy, disappointment, success, failure, love, indifference, and other experience I have had was preparation for a future experience.  I expect that I will benefit from the implementation of knowledge gleaned in the first fifty.


I expect that I will be better as a person in the next fifty years than I have been in the first fifty.  After all, I've made a lot of mistakes and a lot of great choices.  I have learned from both and will implement that knowledge.


I expect that I will continue to learn and grow.  You're either growing or dying.  When I go I expect to be in full stride.


I expect that I will have a positive impact.  We have all been granted gifts and abilities beyond our measure.  I expect that I will use more of mine in the years to come and that I will help others use more of theirs as well.


I expect that life will mean more to me in the next fifty than in the previous.  I have learned that we take life and death for granted.  While each day brings me closer to death, each day also brings me great opportunity and experience.  I appreciate that.


I also expect that I have been given, free and clear, the greatest resource any man can have.  I have a brain that works and I expect that in the next fifty years I will use it more effectively than I did in the first fifty years.


I expect that very few people will ever read, much less care about, what I expect and that's fine.  I expect I wrote this for myself and the few people who do read it will benefit in some way as well.


I expect that the best is just around the corner.  I used to think that be best goals were ones that were set just out of reach but not out of sight.  What a disappointing way to live.  Always having what you want just out of reach but never out of your sight.  Everything I want that I currently don't have isn't out of reach, it's just conveniently tucked behind a corner. I expect that I will turn more corners in the next fifty years.


I expect that I get what I expect.  I expect the next fifty years will be incredible.  And yes, I expect to be given the privilege of writing about the second fifty years of my life.

Cora Manderville, Georgia Power Co

"Great - Just what I needed"


Your Prospect Isn't Thinking It Over - Ask For The Business!

When was the last time your sales call ended in a "No"? Before you answer, think about it very carefully because most sales calls don't end in "No". Most sales calls end in no decision.

I attended an opportunity meeting for a network-marketed product last night. After the presentation and questions, the host simply asked, "Who wants to get started?" While no one did, I smiled when he asked because I knew we were coming to a conclusion.

No decision endings frustrate you and your prospect. You continue to mistakenly believe that someday your prospect will say, "Yes". Your prospect continues to dread running into you because you can't bring yourself to help him or her make a decision. And the cycle continues.

Your goal as a sales professional is to get to a decision. While you want that decision to be "Yes" for your product or service, "No" can be just as valuable. Think about the countless calls you have made on a prospect who eventually said "No" and the time and effort you wasted. Getting to "No" can be a time and money saver. There are three reasons why salespeople fail to get decisions from their prospects.

1. They don't have a plan. Simply put they don't plan to ask for the business so they never do. This happens most often. Salespeople get so wrapped up in the presentation, the product or service, the objections, the questions, and the discussion that they fail to plan to ask for the business. The salesperson gets sidetracked and never finds the close. It's nearly impossible to arrive at a destination that you haven't planned to.

2. They don't believe in what they are selling. This is an alarming fact. If you believe in what you are selling, if you truly feel that what you have will improve the lives of your prospects and customers; why wouldn't you ask for the business? You would be doing your prospect a favor. Everyone likes to do favors for others. Yes, if you don't ask for the business you probably don't believe in the value of your product or service.

3. They just don't have the stomach for another "No". This reason is a part of the previous two. Salespeople begin to believe they will get a "No" so they just don't ask for the business. They mistakenly believe that no decision is better than a "No".

Closing is a must in sales. Here's some help if you have been avoiding "No". Determine how many prospect you called on last month. Then divide the number prospects you called on into the total number of sales or commissions you earned. For example, if you called on 100 prospects last month and made $5000.00 in commissions, you would find that each prospect call you made was worth $50.00 regardless of outcome. Each "Yes" and each "No" was worth $50.00. When each call is worth $50.00 you no longer have to fear the result. At the end of each call you will say to yourself, "Thank you for the $50.00!"

Now when you make a sales call you know it will be profitable. Getting to an answer is all you really want to do. Remember, if you have to go back to the same prospect to get an answer, you have cost yourself $25.00. That's because each prospect is worth $50.00. If it takes you five calls to get to an answer with one prospect, you have made each call worth $10.00. That's not a very good return on investment.

"But if I get a no from a prospect it's over, isn't it?" Not really. "No" doesn't mean "never", it just means "not now". And besides, some of your prospects will gladly say yes if you'll just show them how confident you are in your product or service by asking for the business. You'll get better at it too! Try this technique and let me know how it works for you. The worst thing is not knowing. Get a decision.

Birds Teach Me About Selling

I learned a lot about selling from the birds I tried to feed today

Your product or service must be wanted by a hungry audience.
Your audience wants to enjoy your product or service in surroundings of their choosing.
Your prospects won't become customers if they think the risk is greater than the potential reward.
Some prospects will never take what you give them even if it is perfect for them.
Sometimes your audience isn't hungry.